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沃尔玛牵手京东 - 2016年07月22日

WALMART Stores Inc announced yesterday that it plans to sell its wholly owned Chinese e-commerce business Yihaodian to JD.com in exchange for a 5 percent equity stake in the online retailer. The move ...

《宠物小精灵》华丽回归! - 2016年07月22日

POKEMON Go, the latest rage in smartphone entertainment, allows players to walk around real-life neighborhoods in search of virtual Pokemon monsters. Since its debut in overseas markets several days a...

陆家嘴金融论坛聚焦金融改革、开放和全球化 - 2016年06月14日

THINK-TANK members and regulators extended debates over macro policy coordination and China's financial opening-up at the two-day forum which ended in Shanghai yesterday.

进一步拓展离岸人民币业务,伦敦准备好了! - 2016年06月14日

THE recent weakening of the yuan will not deter its internationalization as London is ready to handle a greater volume of cross-border yuan business, a City of London official said on the sidelines of...

中英两国将推“沪伦通”,促进两国资本市场互通 - 2016年06月14日

CHINA and Britain want to boost the connectivity between their capital markets by aiming to launch a stock connect and a program of mutual fund recognition, their financial officials told the 2016 Luj...

新偿付能力体系将提升上海全球保险中心地位 - 2016年06月14日

SHANGHAI'S status as a global insurance center will rise following the Chinese insurance sector's shift to a risk-based solvency system and deeper reforms in the bond market, AIA Group CEO and Preside...

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Q: 问:如果想要迅速了解上海这座...
A: 答:请注册登陆本网站“今日上...
Q: 问:如果您想在上海进行采访,...
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Q: 在哪里可以买到上海的地图?
A: 上海各大书店中均有出售,一些...