
City News

上海公益谋求大而全面的发展   2023-02-08


Shanghai mapped out 32 public welfare programs through this year to improve people's livelihood on Tuesday, spanning a wide range of areas such as infrastructure, senior and children care, safety and public services.

Among them, the city will have 5,000 more beds at its senior homes, with 2,000 beds renovated to satisfy the nursing demand of elderly citizens with cognitive disorder.

There will be 30 new "smart" senior homes and 40 extra community-based canteens serving senior residents.

In total, 5,000 households will have their homes renovated to include senior-friendly facilities, and barrier-free renovation will cover 5,000 families with severely disabled members.

There will be 500 summer camps for primary school students, and 10,000 new public charging poles will be set up across the city.

In total, 800 residential complexes will have WIFI coverage in their underground parking lots.

Another 1,000 catering businesses will make their cooking processes transparent for diners via screens installed at their business venues, and 8,000 jobless young people will be employed.

Thirty community-based TCM health demonstration service stations will be established, and 200 public toilets will experience renovation based on the demand of elderly citizens and children.

There will be 60 newly built or renovated pocket parks, and the city's greenway will be prolonged by 200 kilometers.

30 community-based fitness centers, and 80 newly built or renovated fitness tracks and 150 sports venues are also on the agenda.

These programs pose an increase of 14 compared with 2022.

A quick look at the programs

Source: Shanghai Daily





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