

静安居民有机会展示艺术才华   2024-04-02


A resident performs a roadside concert.

Residents in Jing'an District have been given the opportunity to show their art talent and organize related activities.

With the support of the Jing'an Culture Center, a number of residents have organized a series of public cultural activities, such as roadside concerts, family reading salons, and learning the heritage-listed woodblock printing technique.

As part of the ongoing Shanghai Citizens Art Festival, the center has invited some "amateur art curators" from all walks of life to participate in live broadcasts to introduce the events.

One of them, Huang Dingfeng, a judge, showed visitors around his watercolor landscape paintings on display in an exhibition at the first floor of the center.

According to the center, such activities are designed to get closer to ordinary people and it works to promote aesthetic education among the public.

A foreign girl takes part in cultural activities at the Jing'an Culture Center.

Source: Shanghai Daily





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