

上海外国居民可以通过电话预约出入境服务 - 2022年07月11日

Phone to reserve exit-entry service for now

Due to the temporary unavailability of online reservations, foreigners who need exit-entry services in Shanghai should call 12367 to make reservations.

Online temporary accommodation registration and reservations for a variety of exit-entry services for overseas people are inaccessible at the moment due to a system malfunction, the exit-entry administration bureau told Shanghai Daily.

The online services will be restored later, but there is no schedule yet, the bureau said.

Foreigners whose residence permit or visa expires before July 31, are advised to make reservations before July 25 by contacting 12367. For those whose residence permit or visa expires after August 1, reservations should be made after July 26.

Residents from Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan may also dial the number to make reservations for services.

Chinese mainland residents may make reservations through local online applications as well as the official website of the national immigration administration.

Source: Shanghai Daily




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