上海计划今年内建立120个公园 - 2022年07月13日
Shanghai to increase number of parks by 120 this year
Shanghai plans to build 60 new pocket parks, 30 urban parks and 30 rural parks during the 14th Five-Year Plan period with the number of urban and rural parks in the city reaching over 650. On July 12, Deng Jianping, director of the Shanghai Landscaping & City Appearance Administrative Bureau, depicted a green blueprint for the modern city in the program "Shanghai livelihood interview 2022".
Up to July 7, 97% of all the urban parks, that is 388 of 399, have been reopened.
In addition, 103 pocket parks, 29 rural parks and 1 theme park were all opened, plus 7 of the 8 country parks opened, making the number of all the reopened parks rising to 528.
Source: Eastday