

进博会是中哈关系发展的有力平台 - 2023年09月11日

CIIE a strong platform for greater China-Kazakhstan ties

Officials, business and media representatives share views on expo's role in promoting exchanges

The Forum of China International Import Expo (Kazakhstan) was held on September 7 at Nazarbayev University in Astana, Kazakhstan. Government officials and representatives of the media and business circles gathered to share views on China-Kazakhstan economic and trade collaboration and development, and shed light on the CIIE's role in promoting business and cultural exchanges between the two countries.

Yu Xiantao, counselor of the economic and commercial office of the embassy of China in Kazakhstan

The CIIE is the world's first national import-themed exhibition, and the Chinese government attaches great importance to the event and provides all-around support. After five years of development, the CIIE has become a prominent showcase for China's opening-up to the world, attracting global partners to leverage China's vast consumer market and population scale, building a platform for communication and exchanges among enterprises, and sharing opportunities and achievements in economic development.

Since 2018, Kazakhstan has been an active participant in the CIIE and has exhibited for five consecutive years, achieving fruitful results. Especially in 2021, Kazakhstan's President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev attended the opening ceremony of the fourth CIIE and delivered a speech, pointing out that the permanent comprehensive strategic partnership between Kazakhstan and China has entered a new stage, and the CIIE has become a "golden gate "for Kazakhstani enterprises to enter the huge Chinese market.

Through the CIIE platform, Kazakhstan has showcased a modern and open image to the Chinese people, as well as its unique natural landscapes and genuine and friendly folk customs. It has also brought high-quality, green and ecological agricultural products from Kazakhstan into the Chinese market, effectively enhancing the visibility of Kazakhstani goods in China and playing a positive role in promoting trade cooperation between the two countries and expanding Kazakhstani agricultural product exports to China. Over the past five years, a total of 133 Kazakhstani enterprises have participated in the CIIE, with a total export contract value of $260 million. The CIIE has become an indispensable and important platform for the development of economic and trade relations between China and Kazakhstan.


Zeng Qingkai, editor-in-chief of 21st Century English Education Media, a branch of China Daily

China Daily, as a national-level English newspaper in China and a key force in international communication, has continuously reported on the fruitful cooperation between China and Kazakhstan in various fields such as economy and trade, culture and youth exchanges. It showcases a new model of cooperation based on mutual benefits and win-win outcomes, demonstrating the positive outlook of China-Kazakhstan relations to the international community. It also provides a platform for dialogue and communication, facilitating the construction of a community with a shared future between China and Kazakhstan characterized by enduring friendship, mutual trust and shared interests.

China Daily will continue to focus on reporting vivid stories of the deepening strategic cooperation between China and Kazakhstan on the basis of highly mutual trust, as well as the development of friendly relations in various fields by leveraging geographical advantages. It will provide a platform for dialogue and exchanges between China and Kazakhstan, and contribute to the construction of a closer China-Central Asia community with a shared future.

Currently, China-Kazakhstan relations maintain a high level of development. China is Kazakhstan's largest trading partner, and Kazakhstan has been an important participating country in the CIIE. The CIIE has become a "golden gate" for Kazakhstan's companies to enter the Chinese market, providing an important platform and opportunity to promote Kazakhstani products in the Chinese market, strengthen China-Kazakhstan trade cooperation and encourage bilateral investment.


Xu Jing, president of the Astana branch of Bank of China Kazakhstan

The CIIE, together with the Belt and Road Initiative, tells a story of cooperation, connectivity and efficient resource allocation. At each edition of the CIIE, hundreds of companies from about 50 countries involved in the BRI participate. With the help of the CIIE, the BRI better aligns with China's accelerated construction of a strong domestic market, providing new opportunities for the world through China's new opening-up, and driving the continuous expansion of trade among countries involved in the BRI.

Kazakhstan China Bank or, Kaz-China Bank, a wholly owned subsidiary of Bank of China, has actively promoted the implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative. With platforms such as the CIIE and Canton Fair, KazChina Bank provides information on the Chinese market for Kazakhstani enterprises. With "Chinese elements" as the main theme and "customer plus account" as the core, KazChina Bank focuses on bilateral trade and investment between China and Kazakhstan and persistently expands its customer base.


Egemberdieva Asel Yerikovna, deputy CEO of Kazakhstan Trade Policy Development Center

China is one of the main strategic trade and investment partners of Kazakhstan and ranks among the global leaders in all key progress indicators.

The mutual trade turnover between Kazakhstan and China amounted to $13.6 billion in the first six months of this year, which is 20.5 percent higher than the value in the same period of last year, which stood at $11.3 billion.

We are focusing on increasing the presence of Kazakhstani products on the shelves of Chinese stores. Platforms such as the CIIE have provided excellent opportunities for companies to showcase their capabilities, find potential customers and expand exports. Every Kazakhstani company is ready to offer high-quality, stable supplies and the necessary volume of products.

The CIIE is a major international exhibition in China, in which Kazakhstan has been participating since 2018. This year, we plan to organize the participation of 25 Kazakhstani companies and hope that this event will bring the interests of our business communities closer together and contribute to the development of mutually beneficial cooperation in new areas.


An official of the National Exhibition and Convention Centre (Shanghai)

Up to now, the CIIE has successfully held five consecutive sessions. Its quality and effectiveness have continuously improved, and its international influence has become increasingly extensive. The four major platform roles of international procurement, investment promotion, cultural exchanges and open cooperation have been increasingly highlighted. The CIIE has become a showcase of China's new development paradigm, a platform for high-standard opening-up, and a vehicle of public good for the whole world. More high-quality foreign goods and services have made their debuts at the CIIE to enter the Chinese market, providing new impetus for deepening practical cooperation between countries around the world and China in various fields.

Kazakhstan has been an important participant in the CIIE. During the first CIIE, Kazakhstan participated in both the country and business exhibitions. At the second CIIE, it was one of the 15 guest of honor countries. These two editions of the expo have allowed China to gain a comprehensive understanding of Kazakhstan's trade, investment, industry, tourism, culture and other aspects. Over the five editions of the CIIE, hundreds of Kazakhstani companies have participated in business exhibitions, with a combined exhibition area exceeding 2,000 square meters. Participating companies have had direct contact with the Chinese government, Chinese partners and consumers, and have showcased their advantageous products and services to the Chinese market through the CIIE platform. Kazakhstani exhibition organizations have organized companies to participate in the CIIE for five consecutive years, with intended contracts totaling $430 million in value. During the fifth CIIE, Kazakhstani companies signed multiple contracts with their Chinese counterparts, with total value of $18 million.

The CIIE has become an important channel for cooperation and communication between China and Kazakhstan. In the future, we will continue to strive to promote cooperation between China and Kazakhstan in the fields of economy and trade through the CIIE. We will strengthen policy communication, provide a better business environment and convenient conditions for enterprises, enhance production capacity cooperation, jointly create new growth areas for China-Kazakhstan economic and trade cooperation, strengthen personnel exchanges, and promote cultural communication and friendly exchanges. We believe that through joint efforts, the cooperation between China and Kazakhstan will have a brighter future.

Source: China Daily




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