

青少年在暑期夜校锤炼技能 - 2024年07月11日

Youngsters refining their skills at summer night schools

A night school in Hongkou District.

Youngsters in Shanghai are flocking to night schools to pick up more skills this summer.

This year, the Shanghai Committee of the Communist Youth League of China started the "Youth Center · Youth Night School" initiative, which offers 220 courses at 87 schools across the city. 

Over 5,000 people aged 18-40 have registered for this initiative. The classes include art and culture, sports and fitness, career development, and social integration.

Employees value their evenings greatly. According to the youth league, many night schools have been set up at the "doorstep" of young workers, including public rental housing and talent apartments. It allows them to utilize more public services close to home.

"Do you know what steps should be taken before applying foundation to make your skin more fitting?" In a makeup class at the Zhonglanju Youth Night School in Putuo District, teacher Xiao Jin, who has 10 years of expertise in the area, explains in detail the aesthetic standards of facial beauty, how to determine one's face shape, and how to choose appropriate cosmetics. 

A night class in Minhang District.

In a night school inside a talent apartment building, young students not only enhance their artistic sense and literacy, but they also relax, meet like-minded people, and gain a deeper sense of community.

An affordable rental housing community in Minhang District has established a drama night school, offering a drama academy art workshop and classes every Friday night.

Numerous courses on traditional Chinese culture appeal to many young people.

At the Nanqiao Town Community Culture Activity Center in Fengxian District, students learn guofeng (Chinese chic) dance while listening to Chinese-style dance music.

"I enjoy dancing, but the high tuition fees of dance institutions put me off," remarked a 32-year-old student named Wang. "When I saw that the youth night school has a Chinese-style dance course, and the tuition was very cheap, 150 yuan (US$20.6) for six lessons, I signed up without hesitation," she said.

A reading club

Another school in Songjiang District offers woodworking classes.

Du Wen, an artist who is passionate about Chinese intangible cultural heritage, has a unique approach to woodworking.

"It is more tiring and difficult than imagined, but through the night school, I got the opportunity to get close to traditional culture and handicrafts, which motivates me a lot," she said.

Three free courses, "Midsummer Night Reading - Reading Club," "Information Technology Exploration and Practical Application of Basic Skills of Artificial Intelligence," and "New Media + AI Application Vlog Production," were all booked.

A night classroom in Hongkou

After completing the first phase of four night school courses, the Shanghai Youth Activity Center offered 14 new courses, including kickboxing, yoga, and body etiquette.

The youth league said that the rising phenomenon of night schools shows young people's strong spiritual and cultural demands.

Officials stated that resources will be organized to provide additional courses to the younger generation.

Night school students pose for cameras.

Source: Shanghai Daily




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