

外滩艺术节带来全新城市艺术体验 - 2024年07月17日

Bund Art Festival promises new urban art experience

The 2024 Bund Art Festival, held in its 4th edition, will be hosted from July 27 to August 25.

The 2024 Bund Art Festival, an initiative of the city's "Shanghai Summer" campaign, will open on July 27 at the Yuyuan Garden Malls and the Bund Finance Center.

The fourth edition of the festival will run until August 25 and will feature a variety of artistic events probing the intersection of art and daily life.

William Wegman, a well-known photographer, will present his dog-themed photographic show "Favorite Models" at the Fosun Foundation. These pieces exhibit a particular kind of dramaturgy and surrealism by substituting canines for humans in a variety of living situations.

A "Best Friends" public art exhibition will also be held to provide a fresh entertainment experience in the city.

Photographer William Wegman will exhibit "Favorite Models."

A stunning night view of the Bund Finance Center and the Yuyuan Garden Malls.

BFC and lifestyle-sharing website Xiaohongshu will launch a dog photo collection. Renowned artist and cartoonist Tango will present a variety of art installations inspired by the cute pictures of dogs that have become Internet celebrities.

During the festival, the Fengjing Road weekend market will also become an art energy station, with five art fairs taking turns bringing together up-and-coming illustrators and force artists. On-site interactive events will include lessons in illustration and graffiti.

Digital technology will be used at the Yuyuan Garden Malls to fully immerse visitors in the allure of digital lights. There will also be a sizable Tango AR art installation called "Lucky Cat" that visitors may interact with.

If you go:

Date: July 27-August 25

Venue: Bund Finance Center, 600 Zhongshan Rd E2 中山东二路600号

Yuyuan Garden Malls, 265 Fangbang Road M 方浜中路265号

A file photo of the Bund Art Festival.

A file photo of the Bund Art Festival.

Source: Shanghai Daily




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