

虹口北外滩拟新建音乐剧剧院 丰富市民文化生活 - 2017年08月25日

Opera house in North Bund will recall the city’s Broadway era

A new Broadway-style opera house will be built in the North Bund area in Hongkou District, an official said yesterday.

The opera house theatre has been planned on Daming Road E. and brings “authentic Broadway performances” to local residents, said Yin Guangji, director with the Hongkou culture bureau.

The theater will be designed like a “shining pearl,” or “a pearl being placed inside a crystal box” in the Bund area, he added.

It will have 2,000 seats on three floors,  along with rehearsal halls, VIP receptions and lounges, Yin said.

The construction schedule and opening time have yet to be revealed.

Daming Road E., where the theater has been planned, was formerly named Broadway Road because the street hosted Shanghai’s “oriental Broadway shows” early last century, according to the Hongkou government.

To make way for the construction, a nearby historic building — the former home of Nie Er, the composer of China’s national anthem — will be moved.





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