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Circular on “Touch Shanghai” Invitation Program for Reporters

Registration Deadline:2012-08-06


Meetings with the candidates for the elections of urban residents’ committees will be held recently. “Touch Shanghai” will invite 15 oversea journalists in Shanghai to a community so as to provide more information about the ongoing events and the agenda of the elections. 

As stipulated in the Organizing Law of the Urban Residents’ Committee of the People’s Republic of China, the elections of the urban residents’ committees are held every three years. All the residents living in the communities who are 18 years old or above have the right to vote and the right to be voted for

Journalists interested in the events mentioned above may register by logging onto the “Interviews” column on the online press service platform: Touch Shanghai ( The registration will be reviewed on a first-come-first-served basis. Journalists will receive prior approval for attending the activity from the Information Office of Shanghai Municipality by phone.

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Application Status

04-16 21315227 Processing
03-12 21315226 Processing
09-26 21315225 Processing

Inquiry Status

02-29 02131558 Received
03-06 02131557 Received
11-14 02131556 Received

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