上海设首个商标受理窗口 未来将可办理国际商标注册 - 2017年03月02日
BUSINESSES in Shanghai can save time and money as they can now apply to register a trademark in the city after its first trademark registration window started operation in Xuhui District yesterday. "...
压岁钱在线转账热潮反映电子支付趋势 - 2017年02月16日
THE digital age is transforming the old and beloved Spring Festival tradition of giving “lucky money” in red packets, or hongbao. The red envelopes with Lunar New Year holiday designs were once giv...
企业为快速上市迁址贫困县 - 2017年02月16日
SEVERAL times in recent months, a lawyer who wants to be identified only as Jack flies from Shenzhen to Yanchuan, a small, rural county in northern Shaanxi Province, to talk with local government offi...
当设计遇上科技 - 2016年12月06日
WEISEN Chen, a 25-year veteran in architecture and interior design, is happy to demonstrate the features of design software Vidahouse to furniture vendors, shopping mall operators, the media and almos...
中国数字娱乐吸引海外市场 - 2016年12月06日
LOUIS Yang, co-founder and chief executive of the Shanghai startup musical.ly, never expected the live streaming app to attract so much attention so quickly in overseas markets. “When we started out...
上海被列为楼市风险最突出城市 - 2016年12月06日
SHENZHEN, Xiamen and Shanghai top the “most risky” list of 35 large and medium-sized Chinese cities whose real estate markets are said to be inflated, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences said in ...
上海新一轮城市规划:2040年成为全球卓越城市 - 2016年11月09日
SHANGHAI aims to be a global city of excellence by 2040, said Mayor Yang Xiong. The drive to so would be accompanied by further development in the smart Internet industry, digitalization and innovati...
双十一: 全球规模最大的购物狂欢盛宴 - 2016年11月09日
ON November 11, as Europe commemorates Armistice Day and the US licks its wounds after a bruising presidential election, the people of China will be engaged in the world’s largest one-day shopping ex...
互联网引领智慧城市生活 - 2016年11月09日
At a recent Star Trek event at the Hub Shopping Mall in Shanghai, dozens of visitors queued up to play roles as crew members of the Enterprise spaceship, aided by virtual and augmented reality technol...
政策调控 为房市降温 - 2016年10月14日
CHINA’S latest measures to regulate its housing market should rein in speculative house purchases, contain bubble risks and stabilize the market. A total of 21 Chinese cities have made recent changes...
06月08日 | 21315203 | 受理中 |
02月16日 | 21315167 | 已办结 |
01月26日 | 21315166 | 已办结 |
06月12日 | 02131545 | 已办结 |
05月12日 | 02131544 | 已办结 |
05月06日 | 02131541 | 已办结 |
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