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华为云发布2021金融系列产品上新计划 - 2021年06月04日

Huawei Technologies plans to expand its IT infrastructure and cloud services in the finance industry, which deals with huge volumes of data and requires digital transformation, the tech giant said on ...

三大电信运营商有望会师A股 - 2021年06月04日

The three heavyweight carriers of China telecommunications – China Mobile, China Telecom and China Unicom – are headed for a "reunion" in Shanghai after they were delisted from the New York Stock Ex...

鞠立新:经济全球化的新韧性与中国引擎的强赋能 - 2021年05月25日

The 2021 annual meeting of the Boao Forum for Asia was held as scheduled at a time when the changes over a century and the epidemic were intertwined, and the world economic recovery was picking up. Pr...

上海信息消费节下周启幕 - 2021年05月14日

Shanghai’s latest achievements in the online new economy or digital transformation will be on show during the annual Shanghai Information Consumption Festival from May 17 to June 17. The festival’s ...

怪兽充电赴美上市 - 2021年05月14日

Shanghai-based Energy Monster, a company that provides rental portable chargers in public places for lithium-battery mobile phones, jumped nearly 18 percent in its debut on New York’s Nasdaq market l...

陈宪:“五个新城”建设对上海都市圈意味着什么? - 2021年05月11日

Chen Xian Shanghai’s 14th Five-Year Plan clearly points out that efforts should be made to accelerate the formation of a new spatial pattern of “central radiation, two wings, new city construction, ...

苏剑:经济内生动能持续释放,实现全年增速目标无忧 - 2021年05月11日

Su Jian With effective control of the COVID-19 pandemic and orderly and steady economic recovery in China, the macroeconomic indicators generally showed a V-shaped recovery in 2020. Although the GDP g...

“一业一证”在上海全面推行 - 2021年04月30日

Districts in Shanghai issued a batch of 74 integrated licenses on Wednesday for enterprises in 13 industries, including convenience stores, supermarkets, restaurants and drugstores. It marks the first...

药企在中国市场紧抓发展机遇 - 2021年04月30日

As China becomes the most important market for multinational pharmaceutical companies and the government’s Healthy China 2030 policy shifts into high gear, the corporate rush is on to file more appli...

上海国际互联网数据专用通道在临港新片区启动 - 2021年04月29日

Lingang has partnered with the Shanghai Communications Administration and the Shanghai branches of China Mobile, China Unicom and China Telecom to launch dedicated Internet access in the special area ...

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Q: 在哪里可以买到上海的地图?
A: 上海各大书店中均有出售,一些...