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Hongqiao: an open hub connecting the world - November 15, 2019

The Shanghai government released a scheme on Wednesday about the further development of the city's Hongqiao Central Business District. Here's a quick look at the positioning and goals of the 151.4-square-kilometer

China Mobile bets on 5G development - November 15, 2019

China Mobile will release 47 mobile end supporting 5G networks, covering smartphones, chips, AR/VR devices and other Internet connection gadgets, the world’s largest mobile carrier said on Thursday. The



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04-16 21315227 Processing
03-12 21315226 Processing
09-26 21315225 Processing

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02-29 02131558 Received
03-06 02131557 Received
11-14 02131556 Received

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Q: Q: Is there a place where I can get...
A: A: Log on to http://touch.shio.gov....
Q: Q: What is the easiest way to set u...
A: A: 1. Log on to http://touch.shio.g...
Q: Where can I get an English map of S...
A: English maps of Shanghai are availa...

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