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Shanghai seeks ideas for YRD development - January 17, 2020

Deputies to the Shanghai People’s Congress discussed further integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta on Thursday. After Chinese President Xi Jinping gave Shanghai the task at the first China

Shanghai reveals its fintech action plan - January 17, 2020

Shanghai has announced an action plan to expedite construction of a financial technology center and it is to launch an annual financial technology forum sponsored by Alibaba Group and its financial affiliate



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Q: Q: Is there a place where I can get...
A: A: Log on to http://touch.shio.gov....
Q: Q: What is the easiest way to set u...
A: A: 1. Log on to http://touch.shio.g...
Q: Where can I get an English map of S...
A: English maps of Shanghai are availa...

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