视点 第十八期 | Views


Shanghai moves further to foster home rentals - October 13, 2017

Shanghai has published an implementation guideline to foster and facilitate its development of home rentals as the city government moves to tip the scales to balance renting and buying. By 2020, a home

A fruitful day for Shanghai Mayor and his IBLAC friends - October 13, 2017

Members of the International Business Leaders’ Advisory Council for the Mayor of Shanghai put forward valuable advice and suggestions as Shanghai paves its way towards a global city of excellence. Shanghai



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04-16 21315227 Processing
03-12 21315226 Processing
09-26 21315225 Processing

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02-29 02131558 Received
03-06 02131557 Received
11-14 02131556 Received

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Q: Q: Is there a place where I can get...
A: A: Log on to http://touch.shio.gov....
Q: Q: What is the easiest way to set u...
A: A: 1. Log on to http://touch.shio.g...
Q: Where can I get an English map of S...
A: English maps of Shanghai are availa...

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