
围绕 " 闪耀在浦美 SHINE IN MAP" 的主题,浦东美术馆迎来三周年 - 2024-07-08


An installation at the museum in collaboration with Pop Mart.

One of the art derivatives to celebrate MAP's three-year anniversary.

The Museum of Art Pudong (MAP) is celebrating its third anniversary with this summer's theme being "Shine In MAP."

With its stunning view of the Huangpu River and the Oriental Pearl TV Tower, the museum is one of Shanghai's top art venues.

Invested and managed by Lujiazui Group, the marble-and-glass rectangle-shaped structure is the work of Ateliers Jean Nouvel.

The museum has planned a series of activities to mark the anniversary, including lucky draws at the museum, performances by light music ensembles, and modern dancing, plus art derivatives.

A promotion for the Ages of Splendor exhibition at the museum.

The museum has a stunning view of the Oriental Pearl Tower.

Visitors can also enjoy the upgraded benefits of the museum's membership card.

The four ongoing exhibitions at MAP are "Cao Fei: Tidal Flux," "Ages of Splendor: A History of Spain in the Museo del Prado," "Fantastic Visions: 100 Years of Surrealism from the National Galleries of Scotland" and "Xu Bing's Gravitational Arena."

Over the past three years, the total number of visitors has reached nearly 2 million. Over the past year, there have been nine major exhibitions and one international children's art exhibition. Nearly 300 online and offline activities have been held.

Drawing inspiration from the works on display and its architecture, the museum has also developed nearly 300 self-supported art derivatives.

Now world-class museums such as Tate Britain and Musée d'Orsay in France will be on the MAP's exhibition list.

Source: Shanghai Daily





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