
保持中美关系正确方向 - 2025-01-21


Donald Trump is sworn in as the 47th US President in the US Capitol Rotunda in Washington, DC, on Jan 20, 2025. 

As Washington undergoes a transition of power, the world is watching closely, with numerous eyes fixated on the future trajectory of China-US relations.

Amid growing global challenges, the two major countries should work toward a positive beginning in the new US presidential term and strive to advance their relations from a new starting point.

The importance of the relationship between the world's top two economies cannot be overstated. From trade to global security and climate change, how they interact has a direct impact far beyond their borders.

With extensive common interests and broad cooperation potential, the two countries can become partners and friends, contribute to each other's success, and advance shared prosperity for mutual and global good.

For China and the United States, two big countries with different national conditions, it is just natural to have some differences. What matters most is to manage their disagreements properly, not to allow them to dictate the course of the relationship.

From the outset of their engagement, the two countries have recognized the profound differences in their political systems and development stages. Nonetheless, they have over the past decades established diplomatic ties, strengthened cooperation based on mutual interests, and enhanced friendly exchanges between their peoples.

Moving forward, the two sides should respect each other's core interests and major concerns, while seeking constructive solutions to existing challenges. The Taiwan question concerns China's national sovereignty and territorial integrity. Therefore, the new US administration must approach it with prudence and refrain from actions that could undermine mutual trust or destabilize the broader bilateral relationship.

The China-US relationship, though marked by cooperation, competition and, at times, tension, has increasingly been characterized by interdependence.

Economic and trade cooperation has become the cornerstone of bilateral ties, with trade having shot up more than 200-fold. Two-way investments have topped 260 billion US dollars, with over 70,000 US companies operating in China and generating annual profits of 50 billion dollars. On top of these, exports to China support 930,000 jobs in the United States.

Admittedly, the China-US relationship has in recent years encountered significant challenges, largely due to Washington's distorted perception of China and deep-rooted strategic anxieties about its hegemony.

This misjudgment has misled the United States to a confrontational approach to China that contrasts with China's consistent pursuit of peaceful coexistence and win-win cooperation with the United States.

Yet as history has shown, dialogue and cooperation is the only viable choice for the two countries. With the global landscape witnessing profound shifts, including technological advancements and geopolitical changes, the need for China-US cooperation is greater than ever. Decoupling and camp confrontation would only harm them both and the world at large.

Despite recent years of tension, China's goal of a stable, sound and sustainable relationship with the United States remains unchanged. At this new starting point, it is time for the United States to reject zero-sum thinking and work in good faith with China to keep their relationship sailing toward greater progress along the route of steady, sound and sustainable development.

Source: Xinhua





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