
China heralds new dawn of hope in the Middle East - 2024-07-24



In recent years, China's diplomatic efforts in the Middle East have garnered significant attention and success, particularly evident in its brokering of peace between Saudi Arabia and Iran, and most recently, facilitating Palestinian unity talks. Understanding why China has been able to achieve these milestones involves examining several key factors.

China's sustained commitment to promoting peace in the Middle East is a cornerstone of its foreign policy. Over the years, China has consistently advocated for a fair and comprehensive resolution to regional conflicts. This ongoing effort, rooted in policy proposals and diplomatic initiatives, reflects China's belief in peaceful dialogue as the primary means of conflict resolution. For instance, long before the recent Palestinian unity talks, China had invited Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for visits separately, underscoring its continuous effort to seek a peaceful solution.

The successful mediation between Saudi Arabia and Iran last year was a significant diplomatic triumph for China. It not only showcased China's diplomatic prowess but also sent shockwaves across the geopolitical landscape. Many had deemed the Saudi-Iranian conflict intractable, especially during the former US Donald Trump administration, which heightened tensions and sought to align Israel and Arab states against Iran. China's ability to facilitate a handshake in Beijing between these two rivals demonstrated its growing influence and the effectiveness of its approach. This mediation wasn't merely about China's diplomatic efforts but also about the broader acceptance of China's philosophy of cooperative development over conflict.

China's approach to diplomacy is heavily focused on economic cooperation and development, rather than mere geopolitical maneuvering. Middle Eastern countries, weary of prolonged conflicts and the consequent neglect of domestic development, have increasingly recognized the value of China's emphasis on economic growth and stability. This shift in priorities has aligned well with China's long-standing policy of promoting regional stability through development. By focusing on economic development, China has offered a compelling alternative to the destructive cycles of conflict and competition, making its peace initiatives more attractive.

The Middle Eastern countries' realization of the futility of endless geopolitical conflicts has led them to seek new avenues for peace and development. China's vision of cooperative development resonates with these aspirations. This alignment has created a conducive environment for China to play a pivotal role in mediating conflicts. The recent request from Palestinian factions for China to facilitate their reconciliation is a testament to this growing trust and recognition of China's role.

Despite these successes, skepticism remains about the long-term impact of China's diplomatic efforts. The complexities of the Israel-Palestine conflict, the historical grievances, and the deep-rooted mistrust pose significant challenges. However, China's approach, which combines immediate practical steps with a long-term vision, offers a glimmer of hope.

China's proposal for a sustainable ceasefire, governance arrangements for Gaza, and the promotion of Palestinian statehood at the United Nations reflects a structured and phased approach to conflict resolution. By first achieving a ceasefire, then addressing governance issues, and finally seeking international recognition, China aims to create a road map that balances immediate needs with long-term aspirations.

China's growing influence in Middle Eastern diplomacy is not without its critics. Some Western voices question China's intentions and capabilities, often driven by fears of diminishing Western influence in the region. However, the pragmatic and cooperative nature of China's diplomacy offers a counter-narrative to the often divisive and competitive strategies of the past.

The successful Saudi-Iranian reconciliation and the positive reception of China's involvement in Palestinian unity talks suggest that China's diplomatic approach is resonating with regional stakeholders. As more countries witness the tangible benefits of China's peace initiatives, there is potential for a broader shift towards cooperative development and stability in the Middle East.

China's recent diplomatic successes in the Middle East mark a significant shift in the region's approach to conflict resolution. By aligning its long-term peace diplomacy with the region's aspirations for development and stability, China has positioned itself as a key player in promoting peace. The journey ahead is fraught with challenges, but China's structured and inclusive approach offers a promising path towards lasting peace and development in the Middle East. As the international community watches closely, China's role in shaping the future of Middle Eastern diplomacy continues to unfold, heralding a new era of hope and cooperation.

The author is Li Weijian, a senior research fellow at the Institute for Foreign Policy Studies, Shanghai Institutes for International Studies. 

This is a major move, because by including all Palestinian factions within the framework of the Palestine Liberation Organization, or letting a joint Hamas-PLO administration be in charge of Gaza rather than Hamas alone, it removes many hurdles for reaching a ceasefire in Gaza. On the one hand, it removes Netanyahu's excuse that a "terrorist" organization is running Gaza. In fact, this is a great Chinese prop for the US' Joe Biden administration to convince Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to accept a ceasefire. It will also make Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Egypt, which see Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood International as terrorist organizations, show greater engagement in the Palestinian and Gaza situation. There are many difficulties here, but all in all, this represents a crucial step toward peace and the alleviation of the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, albeit temporarily.

The author is Hussein Askary, vice-president of the Belt and Road Institute in Sweden and Distinguished Research Fellow at Guangdong Institute of International Strategies.

China's involvement in the Middle East stands out distinctly from other global powers because of its commitment to fairness and justice. Unlike Western countries, which often pursue self-serving agendas, China has maintained relatively friendly relations with all nations in the region without taking sides. Our objective is clear: Promoting peace, stability, and development in the Middle East, aligning with the interests of the people there and fostering cooperation that leads to mutual prosperity. This approach positions China uniquely to advance peace and stability in the region. On the Palestinian issue, China has long been dedicated to seeking a fundamental, fair, and effective resolution.

The core problem lies in Israel's illegal occupation of Palestinian territories. Addressing this issue fundamentally requires internal Palestinian unity, forming a strong community dedicated to nation-building. Only then can the process of establishing a Palestinian state advance more effectively.

China has actively facilitated dialogues among various Palestinian factions, encouraging them to prioritize national interests over party interests. This effort was crucial for the achievement of the Beijing Declaration. Some foreign media have questioned the lack of a timeline for its implementation, but it is important to understand that resolving the Palestinian issue cannot be accomplished overnight. Western nations, particularly the United States, have consistently favored Israel, hindering genuine progress toward peace. In contrast, China's stance of fairness and justice, offers a viable path forward. The journey may be long, but as long as we persist, progress will be made.

Achieving internal Palestinian reconciliation and forming a strong, united front can eliminate the pretext often used by the US and Israel — that there is no viable partner for peace. Once a cohesive Palestinian entity is established, Israel's excuses for avoiding peace negotiations will be invalidated. Recent efforts by China at mediating Middle Eastern affairs demonstrate China's continued commitment to peace, stability, and development of the region.

Critics argue that China's involvement in the Middle East is a strategy to compete with the US for influence. This is a misconception. China does not seek to dominate the Middle East. Unlike the US and some European nations, which have historically tried to control the region to advance their hegemony, China's only goal is to promote peace. This is precisely what the people of the Middle East desire. The American approach of divide and conquer serves its own interests but fails to bring peace and stability to the region.

China, as a country with significant influence, has both the obligation and the capability to contribute to the resolution of the Palestinian issue and the broader Middle East peace process. China's efforts are based on a long-standing principle of cooperation with developing nations, aiming for collective prosperity. China has intensified efforts to promote peace, stability, and development in the Middle East, recognizing that the US' favoritism toward Israel has stalled the peace process.

The signing of the Beijing Declaration underscores China's crucial role in the Middle East peace process. However, we must acknowledge that resolving the Palestinian issue requires a continuous, collective and step-by-step approach. Progress must be irreversible to ensure a sustainable path toward Palestinian independence. With persistent effort, the goal of an independent Palestinian state is within reach.

The Beijing Declaration will have a substantial impact on the Israel-Palestine conflict. Palestinian internal reconciliation will dismantle Israel's longstanding narrative that there is no Palestinian partner for peace. A unified Palestinian front represents the entirety of the Palestinian people, providing a legitimate counterpart for holding negotiations and eliminating Israel's excuses for continued occupation and military actions.

The US' resistance to the Beijing Declaration stems from its desire to maintain hegemony in the Middle East. It wrongly perceives China's actions as a quest for dominance. However, China's objective is clear: the stable development and prosperity of the Middle East align with the interests of its people and provide opportunities for cooperation with China. This approach embodies the vision of a community with a shared future for mankind, focusing on peace, development, and shared prosperity, rather than control and manipulation.

China's dedication to the Middle East peace process is not about seeking power but about fostering a stable and prosperous region. Peace, development, and shared prosperity are China's goals, and these principles guide its actions in the Middle East.

The author is Li Xinggang, a researcher at the Institute for Studies on the Mediterranean Rim at Zhejiang International Studies University

The Beijing Declaration marks a pivotal moment in Palestinian politics and Middle Eastern diplomacy. Historically fragmented, Palestinian factions — such as the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) and the Palestinian National Liberation Movement (Fatah) — came together not merely to converse, but to collectively commit to the Beijing Declaration. This unprecedented assembly of 14 factions, despite deep-seated ideological and political differences, achieved internal reconciliation and a broader unity that had long eluded the Palestinian cause.

The significance of this reconciliation cannot be overstated. It lays the foundation for a unified approach to Palestinian statehood, governance, and future political actions. By aligning their common goals, these factions have reinvigorated the Palestinian cause and redirected the Israeli-Palestinian peace process onto a more promising path.

China's consistent stance has been clear: the Palestinian issue requires a just and fair resolution, necessitating genuine interaction between the Palestinians and the Israelis. However, the lack of unity among Palestinian factions has historically hindered the peace process. With this newfound unity, there is a tangible opportunity for meaningful progress in peace negotiations.

The question arises: how has China succeeded where others, particularly the United States, have faltered? Several key factors contribute to China's effective mediation:

1. Sincerity and Brotherhood: China approaches the Palestinian issue with genuine sincerity, treating Palestinians as brothers and partners. This genuine commitment contrasts sharply with the often superficial engagement of Western powers. 2. Fairness and Impartiality: China's stance is grounded in fairness and a lack of self-interest. Unlike the West, which has long practiced divide-and-rule policies and labeled certain Palestinian factions as terrorist organizations to stymie unity, China seeks genuine peace.

3. Innovative Security Perspectives: China's involvement is underpinned by a holistic approach to national security and Global Security Initiative, positioning itself as an impartial mediator dedicated to peace.

4. Global Context and Responsibility: With the international community, especially Western powers, showing a lack of initiative in resolving Palestinian internal conflicts, China's proactive stance fulfills a critical need. This aligns with the political needs of Palestinian moderates and serves the highest national interests of Palestine.

Since the 1950s, China has consistently supported the Palestinian cause, often facing Western exclusion and obstruction. Despite these challenges, China's resolve has never wavered.

Recent geopolitical shifts have seen the US marginalize the Palestinian issue, focusing instead on strategic competition and regional alliances against Iran. This has sidelined the core issue of Middle Eastern peace. China, in contrast, maintains that the Palestinian issue is central to regional stability. The renewed focus on this issue amid escalating conflicts highlights the pertinence and realism of China's approach.

Implementing the Beijing Declaration will undoubtedly face challenges. Deep-rooted internal divisions among Palestinians require time and cooperation to build trust and consensus. Additionally, external factors — particularly the stances of the US, Israel, and other regional actors — pose significant obstacles. Constructive international support is crucial for the success of this reconciliation process.

Nevertheless, mechanisms have been established to ensure the implementation of the Beijing Declaration. These include frameworks for elections, the formation of a temporary national government, and other operational measures. While challenges remain, the establishment of these mechanisms marks a significant departure from past reconciliation efforts, providing a robust foundation for progress.

Looking ahead, China's role in the Middle East will likely expand across various domains, particularly in promoting peace and security. Key areas of focus will include:

1. Palestinian Statehood and Israeli-Palestinian Peace Talks: Continuing efforts to support Palestinian statehood and facilitate the resumption of peace negotiations. 2. Saudi-Iran Reconciliation: Sustained efforts to consolidate and advance the reconciliation between Saudi Arabia and Iran.

3. Regional Security Issues: Addressing broader regional security concerns, including Yemen, Red Sea security, and the Syrian conflict.

4. Iran and Iraq: Engagement in resolving issues related to Iran and Iraq, contributing to regional stability.

China's commitment to these areas underscores its role as a proactive and impartial mediator, dedicated to fostering peace and stability in the Middle East. This approach not only benefits the region but also aligns with the broader goal of creating a community with a shared future for mankind, based on mutual respect and collective prosperity.

The author is Tang Zhichao, a researcher of Middle East studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

Source: China Daily


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