Shanghai Today

Places of Interest

Mao's former residence shut for renovation - December 04, 2015


The former residence of late Chinese leader Mao Zedong in downtown Jing'an District has been closed for its first major renovation, an official said yesterday.

The two-story house at 120 Maoming Road is now a museum. Some new exhibits will be added to the museum after the renovation is completed by next June.

Mao and his wife Yang Kaihui live in the shikumen building, built about 1915, from February 1924 through the end of the year, Mao's longest stay in Shanghai.

The renovation will cost about 4 million yuan (US$625,205) and is the first since it was opened to the public in 2004, said Yang Jiguang, director with the culture and history institute of the district.

The rooftop tiles will be replaced or repaired to prevent leakage during rain. Walls will be repainted while all the electric wires will be replaced, he said.

A new exhibition about Mao's second son, Mao Anqing, will be unveiled in the museum after it reopens.

The museum showcases Mao's life and work in Shanghai in 1924.


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