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Huawei, SenseTime-Backed SAIRI to Set Up China's First Mindspore AI Lab - July 14, 2022


Huawei Technologies and the SenseTime-backed Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Research Institute have agreed to establish a Mindspore AI laboratory in Shanghai, the first of its kind in China.

The telecoms giant and SAIRI will set up the Mindspore AI Framework Innovation Lab to drive developments in the local AI industry and provide Shanghai, the Yangtze River Delta region, and cities beyond with AI computing resources and services, Shanghai Observer reported today, citing Huawei. The parties signed the agreement yesterday.

MindSpore is Shenzhen-based Huawei's open-source deep learning framework which enables developers to create new AI applications.

The lab will also help Huawei and SAIRI explore new AI application scenarios, coming up with solutions for manufacturing, healthcare, biomedicine, connected vehicles, and robotics, the report said. Moreover, it will help run public computing platforms.

SAIRI, which researches and develops core AI technologies, is funded by Shanghai Jiaotong University, the government of Shanghai’s Minhang district, Shanghai Lingang Economic Development Group, and SenseTime Group, the report added. SenseTime is China’s most valuable AI company.

Source: Yicai

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