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Shanghai ahead of target for new affordable nurseries to meet growing demand - July 14, 2022


Shanghai will see 68 new affordable nurseries to meet increasing demand for childcare this year, educational authorities said on Wednesday.

Shanghai began to include building affordable nurseries into its annual public welfare projects three years ago and has built 50 facilities a year since then.

This year, the target was raised to 60, said Wang Ping, director of the Shanghai Education Commission.

"In late March, we confirmed the creation of 68 nurseries in kindergartens, which will provide more than 1,500 seats in 81 classes," he said.

He said the construction projects are being carried out during the summer vacation and training for teachers and childcare workers is being delivered online and should be finished by the end of September.

Wang added that the city will also explore ways to develop standard childcare facilities in communities so families have access to services for kids aged 1 to 3 within 15 minutes' walk from their home.

Source: Shanghai Daily

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