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Test runs of smart trucks start in Shanghai - July 19, 2022


Two trucks prowled Donghai Bridge between the Pudong New Area and Yangshan Deep-Water Port on Monday. Looking no different from any other truck from the outside, there was no one in the driving seat, but a safety supervisor perched on the passenger’s seat.

It was the first day of the driverless trucks’ test run – the first of its kind in China – along a designated lane on the 34-kilometer bridge. In the future driverless trucks will haul goods between Yangshan Port and Lingang New Area. 

The trucks, made by SAIC, are equipped with multiple laser sensors. LI Zhongxin, head of the project, said as the test continues, there will be a fleet of five trucks on the bridge, with safety supervisors only on the first and the last trucks. 

Last year, Shanghai opened about 1,300 kilometers of streets for test drives of intelligent connected vehicles (ICVs), 540 kilometers are in Lingang, including the Donghai Bridge.

Source: Jiemian News

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