Shanghai Today

Districts in Brief

Shanghai International Auto City undergoes transformation - February 18, 2022


Covering 10,000 square meters, the delivery center of the R auto company at the pedestrian street of Shanghai International Auto City has been put into operation.

"The center not only delivers automobiles but also provides a social environment as well," Zhang Meng, in charge of online and offline channel management, said. "The delivery center is not like 4S outlets of traditional automakers, as they mainly are for sales. Here, visitors can join in various activities."

The delivery center is made up of a lounge, delivery area and workshop. The client rest area is in the front of the building with the best lighting and views. The light-colored decorations and warm lighting make the environment brighter and more fashionable.

The delivery center has the capacity to deliver up to 100 cars a day.

So far, there are 18 enterprises on the pedestrian street, including Apollo Park of Baidu, Cowa Robot and Lotus Cars.

"The pedestrian street used to have traditional sales companies in the auto industry. We plan to transform it into a new street with intelligent self-driving and new retail space," Xu Hua, deputy general manager of Shanghai International Auto City Co, said.

The pedestrian street has an area of 225,000 square meters, and is divided into east and west blocks by the Gupu River.

A renovation project at the pedestrian street will be undertaken to attract more emerging auto companies.

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