

上海市第二版工业企业复工复产指引发布   2022-05-06


The second edition of the Guidelines for Shanghai Industrial Enterprises to Resume Production with Pandemic Prevention and Control has been released, with several articles modified and some new measures added.The responsibilities of "\\;four parties"\\; – namely, governments at all levels, competent authorities of various industries, enterprises and employees – are clarified.Enterprises should set up different risk areas, such as a green zone for normal production, a blue zone for observation of new entrants, a yellow zone for close contacts or secondary close contacts, and a red zone for the infected. Each zone should be isolated from each other.





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02月16日 21315167 已办结
01月26日 21315166 已办结


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05月12日 02131544 已办结
05月06日 02131541 已办结

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