
City News

上海鸟类将迎来迁徙高峰   2022-08-12


Whiskered terns spotted in the Hengsha Dongtan Wetland

Shanghai is expected to witness the peak of migrant birds going past the city in mid to late August.

In recent years, nearly 3,500 birds of 69 species have been recorded in the Hengsha Dongtan Wetlands of Chongming Island, according to the Shanghai Forestry Station.

The list includes national first-class protected species Chinese black-headed gull and black-faced spoonbill and national second-class protected species such as common kestrel and reed parrotbill.

An eastern marsh harrier over the Hengsha Dongtan Wetland

Since late July, researchers found birds born in the city are learning skills of flying and foraging and are ready to fly south.

In mid and late August, flocks of shore birds are expected to take a rest in Hengsha Dongtan Wetland to feed during their migration.

Migration lasts through winter.

An Eurasian oystercatcher flying above the Hengsha Dongtan Wetland

Source: Shanghai Daily





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