
City News

上海将举办一系列阅读活动   2022-09-23


From September 23 to October 10, a series of activities themed "Reading in our daily life" will be held in many business circles, cultural and creative parks and physical bookstores in Shanghai. The activities are guided by the Shanghai Book Fair Steering Committee and "Book China" Shanghai Week, and involves 10 thematic venues in Shanghai’s 8 districts, featuring "one theme in one place", creating "scenes with stories and new experiences of reading", and bringing good new books and rich reading activities to the public.

From September 30 to October 3, the first Beautiful Book Festival will be held at Sinan Mansions in Huangpu District to showcase the personalized features of physical bookstores and create new ways to enjoy literary and social life. The event will not only bring together 30 bookstores and publishing institutions, but also invites 30 literary creators and 30 personalized gourmets to participate and vote for the "Beautiful Bookstore Award".

Source: Eastday





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