
City News

中日碳中和论坛在上海举行   2022-12-13


A view of the wind turbines installed on Nanpeng Island, Guangdong province.

Experts, scholars, and business representatives from China and Japan attended the 2022 Sino-Japan Forum on Carbon Neutrality held on Monday in Shanghai.

During the event, participants engaged in discussions about carbon neutral transition, practices and policies in the two nations.

Hosted by the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences and Mitsubishi Corporation (China), the forum was aimed at enhancing Sino-Japan cooperation in research and exchange and exploring collaboration opportunities between the two countries in carbon neutrality transition, said Wang Dezhong, president of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences.

Reflecting on the commitments of China and Japan to achieve carbon neutrality by 2060 and 2050 respectively, experts shed light on the strategies and pathways for achieving net-zero emissions developed by the two countries, while enterprise representatives shared best practices related to the matter.

Akio Isomata, consul general of Japan in Shanghai, and Jing Ying, vice president of Shanghai People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, also delivered speeches at the forum, which was a commemoration event for the 50th anniversary of the normalization of diplomatic relations between China and Japan.

Experts from both sides acknowledged climate change as one of the top priority cooperation agendas between the two countries and noted that Sino-Japan carbon-neutral cooperation has broad prospects and far-reaching significance.

Source: China Daily





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