
City News

可持续发展蓝图显示关键行业的能源消耗有所减少   2022-12-14


Shanghai will cut energy consumption for major industrial firms, covering iron, steel and petrochemicals industries, to implement the city's green and sustainable development strategy, said a city blueprint released on Tuesday.

It fits well with the national strategy to cut carbon emissions and achieve carbon neutrality in the long term.

In detail, scalable industrial firm energy consumption will drop by 14 percent from 2020 to 2025. Shanghai will require 500 local firms to issue structure adaptation for sustainable development, according to the blueprint.

By 2030, the carbon emission intensity of each ton of steel production will decrease 15 percent compared to 2020.

China Baowu Steel Group, the country's biggest steel company, is headquartered in Shanghai.

The total carbon emissions volume will hit peak level in 2030 in the petrochemical and chemical industries, which means it will not increase and strive to reduce from then, according to the Shanghai Commission of Economy and Informatization, one of the bureaus to release the blueprint.

Shanghai will take 29 measures to achieve the target by 2025. They include developing advanced high-end industrial clusters; curbing the high energy-consumption and high carbon-emission projects; building green factories and supply chains and developing green finance.

Source: Shanghai Daily





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