
City News

上海超过年度社会福利目标   2022-12-18


Public welfare programs to improve people's livelihood were mostly completed, or exceeded their targets as of the end of November 2022, the city government announced on Thursday.

Among the 30 programs Shanghai mapped out for the year, only the charity summer camp for primary students was halted due to the COVID-19 pandemic, while 19 exceeded their targets.

These programs had a total investment of 6.08 billion yuan (US$872 million), 10 percent increase over the annual target.

They span a wide range of areas such as infrastructure, senior and children care, safety and public services.

The 19 programs exceeding targets include extra beds at senior homes, pocket parks, nursery classes for children, sports venues and community-based "security houses" where the public can seek help from the police directly.

Among them, 2,162 such houses have been established citywide by the city's public security bureau, or 80 percent increase over the target, and 50 community-based TCM health service stations have been set up by the city's health commission, 67 percent increase over the annual target.

In total, 15,452 public charging poles were set up across the city, 55 percent increase over the annual target.

Ten other programs such as 120 sub-stations, convenient breakfast booths and "one-click taxi hailing" services for elderly citizens at communities have also hit targets.

As of the end of September,15 programs such as protection stations for minors, community-based rehabilitation centers and night art classes for residents had hit the targets ahead of schedule despite the challenge posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Source: Shanghai Daily





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