
City News

上海居民投票选出他们最喜欢的户外休闲区   2022-12-25


What's your ideal place for a leisure stroll and exercise near home?

Shanghai's cultural and tourism authorities announced this year's 60 candidates for recommended "great places at your doorway" on Friday, inviting residents to cast a vote.

It's the third year for the Shanghai Administration of Culture and Tourism to select the city's "great places at your doorway." So far, 200 have been released over the previous two years.

They are small but beautiful locations and embody haipai (Shanghai-style) features, the administration said.

These include countryside parks, historical blocks, new commercial circles, innovation parks, ecological and green spaces, cultural venues, leisure blocks and tourism villages, according to the administration.

They provide diversified options for residents to enrich their leisure life.

This year, 86 locations were included and 60 topped out for the final round. In total, 50 will be recommended.

They offer a glimpse into the city's enchanting natural landscape, lush greenery, culture and history, urban renewal progress, community wisdom, mouth-watering delicacies, and innovation and ingenuity, the administration said.

The candidates include century-old Zhangyuan, one of Shanghai's best-preserved shikumen (stone-gate) neighborhoods in Jing'an District. Also on the list is the MIFA 1862, an artsy commercial space, and the Ancient Wall Park of Chuansha Town in the Pudong New Area. Bridge 8, an innovation park in Huangpu District is also on the list, as well as Leshan Greenland, Hengshan Garden, and Lane 96 Pocket Park in Xuhui District. Gubei Golden Street, Yuyuan Market and the Beixinjing Rucker Park in Changning District are also candidates.

Tian An 1000 Trees, a reminder of the ancient Hanging Gardens of Babylon, along Shanghai's iconic Suzhou Creek, and Zhenru Park in Putuo District also made the list. Guangyue Sports Park in Hongkou District, Xinjiangwan Town Ecological Corridor in Yangpu District, Jiading Museum and Jiading Library are also being featured, while Jiangnan No.1 Tea House in Qingpu District is also on the candidate list.

Votes can be cast on the official WeChat account of the administration through December 27.

The final list will be based on online votes from residents and tourists, and expert evaluations, the administration said.

Source: Shanghai Daily





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