
City News

内地1月8日起取消入境集中隔离   2022-12-27


People queue up for immigration clearance at Shanghai Pudong International Airport on January 26.

The State Council of China said on Tuesday that from January 8, no centralized quarantine or mass PCR testing will be undertaken on international travelers entering China.

But visitors to China are required to undergo PCR testing 48 hours prior to departure and report the findings on their Customs Health Declaration form. There is no need to apply for health codes with Chinese embassies or consulates.

Those who test positive prior to departure cannot travel until the results come back negative.

China will end mass testing of all new arrivals. Customs personnel will perform a self-antigen test on travelers with fever. If a person tests positive and exhibits mild symptoms, he/she can go home and monitor his/her condition. If the symptoms are severe, the individual should seek medical attention.

There will be no restrictions on foreign flight frequencies or passenger loads, and flights will expand gradually.

Chinese visa requirements will also be relaxed.

International cruise ships will be allowed to run for a trial period, and restrictions will be gradually eased.

Changing shifts in China will be more convenient for Chinese and foreign sailors.

Chinese nationals will also be allowed to travel abroad in an orderly manner.

Source: Shanghai Daily





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