
City News

疫情管理放松 北京上海的餐厅营收好转   2022-12-28


Business Picks Up at Beijing, Shanghai Restaurants as Covid Controls Ease

More people are dining out at restaurants in China's major cities, especially Beijing and Shanghai, as the country relaxes pandemic prevention measures and as those who have recovered from the latest wave of Covid-19 return to work.

Footfall at some of popular hotpot chain Haidilao's Beijing outlets was up 50 percent in the week Dec. 19 to Dec. 25 from the previous week, Yicai Global has learned. One of them welcomed more than 3,000 dine-in customers over the Christmas weekend and 800 takeaway orders, a jump of 33 percent week on week. And stores in Guangzhou have seen a 20 percent increase in visitors

There was a 40 percent surge in dine-ins at Haidilao's Dapuqiao outlet in Shanghai on Dec. 22. And business is expected to get even better this week because of the New Year holiday, Qin Yajuan, head of Beijing-based Haidilao's Shanghai operations.

Business at hotpot chain Xiabu Xiabu's outlets is picking up across the country, particularly in Beijing, and revenue is back to 60 percent of pre-pandemic levels. In fact, its restaurant in Beijing's central Chaoyang district had turnover of almost CNY80,000 (USD11,504) on Dec. 24, a three-year high, the store's manager Sha Jingjing told Yicai Global.

Tea houses are also faring better. Orders at Nayuki Tea & Bakery's outlets have increased sharply in the past week from a month ago, especially in Beijing where orders surged two-and-a-half-fold. In fact, out of its 10 top performing stores, nine are in the capital.

Customer numbers should bounce back substantially in the coming month due to two major public holidays, the calendar New Year, from Dec. 31 to Jan. 2, and the lunar New Year, from Jan. 21 to Jan. 27, a manager at Haidilao said.

But an executive at another restauran chain, Inner Mongolia Xibei Catering Group, said that the catering sector still needs to get through another 100 difficult days. As pandemic prevention measures continue to be eased, people's mentality will relax and the market will bounce back, providing more opportunities for the catering sector, he added.

Source: Yicai





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