
City News

上海敦促居民在即将到来的假期中采取防护措施   2022-12-29


Shanghai health experts urged local residents to avoid mass gatherings and outings during the upcoming New Year holiday amid the ongoing national upsurge of COVID-19 infections.

"Even for those whose antigen tests for COVID-19 have turned negative after recent infections, we suggest more rest at home to ensure a full recovery," said Hu Bijie, director of the Department of Infectious Diseases of Shanghai Zhongshan Hospital affiliated to Fudan University.

Hu said most people whose antigen tests have returned negative after a recent infection are not infectious, yet their bodies remain vulnerable as their immune systems have just won a bitter war and need to take time to recover.

"Winter is the high season for various infections, which also include various types of flu," Hu said.

Ding Yuan, deputy director of Shanghai Health Promotion Center, also suggested all residents stick to stringent epidemic prevention measures, such as wearing mask in public spaces, even if some of them have just recovered from a COVID-19 infection.

"A recent recovery from COVID-19 doesn't guarantee immunity to other infections. It's also a responsible act to protect others, especially the elderly," Ding said.

Hu concurred.

"Above all, we should bear in mind that the elderly with underlying diseases are the most vulnerable and need the ultimate protection," Hu said. "We should make sure not to bring infections home and get them infected. In cases where an infection takes place, we should closely monitor their conditions, especially their blood oxygen level. A pulse oximeter is highly recommended for families with elderly members. If their blood oxygen level goes below 95 percent, immediate medical attention is required."

Source: China Daily





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