
City News

上海一酒店免费为医护人员开放   2023-01-10


A hotel worker checks in a medical worker who came to recover at the Ji Hotel in Shanghai's Huangpu district last month. 

A downtown Shanghai hotel catering exclusively to medical staff infected with COVID-19 has opened in Huangpu, the first of its kind in the district.

Backed by the district government, the facility, located in the Ji Hotel in People's Square, offers free services to medical staff infected during the course of their work and who do not have space available at home to isolate.

Li Wei, deputy director of the district's health commission, told China Daily that the 220-room hotel has already received over 70 guests from local fever clinics, emergency departments and wards since it opened on Dec 20.

"We hope to offer doctors and nurses who have been working hard on the front line a comfortable place to have a good rest and recover as soon as possible," Li said.

The district has 20 hospitals of various levels with over 4,000 medical staff.

Xiao Youdi, who works at the Shanghai Ruijin Rehabilitation Hospital in Huangpu, stayed at the hotel after developing a fever in December. She reported her situation to the hospital and arranged to stay at the hotel as she was afraid of infecting her roommate.

Xiao told local news portal that she's pleased with the daily services and amenities, which include three healthy meals, plenty of snacks and antigen testing kits.

To improve guest experience, the hotel has opened a cafe area where they can read books and magazines while enjoying a cup of tea or coffee.

Huangpu district authorities have also launched a mental health hotline to offer medical staff professional consultation from Shanghai Mental Health Center.

The move comes just days before the release of a document titled "Work Opinions on Ensuring the Strength of Medical Personnel on the Front Line by the Shanghai Health Committee". In the document, Shanghai's health authorities call for greater efforts to protect front-line medical staff who have been working under increased pressure in recent weeks.

It also calls for medical institutions to continue the pilot project of setting up standard rest areas and offices for staff, as well as ensuring they are given sufficient rest days.

Source: China Daily





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