
City News

上海市十六届人大一次会议今天开幕   2023-01-11


The first session of the 16th Shanghai People's Congress (SPC) opened on Wednesday.

Shanghai Mayor Gong Zheng presented the government work report at the opening plenary.

Gong said the city's annual economic growth target was set at 5.5 percent this year, while the public budget will be raised by 5.5 percent.

The SPC is the city's legislature.

The session will elect Shanghai's political leaders, including the city's mayor, vice mayors, as well as directors of the discipline inspection and supervision commission, the Shanghai High People's Court, and the Shanghai People's Procuratorate.

SPC deputies will make suggestions to the government on policies as well as legislative proposals.

The newly selected city mayor will hold a press conference when the session closes on Sunday.

SPC deputies deliberate on the government's work report.

Source: Shanghai Daily





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