
City News

“上海设计100强”投票开始   2023-01-12


Organizations and individuals can submit works as voting has kicked off for the 2023 "Shanghai Design 100" – a part of the city's efforts to become a global design capital.

Selected works, in categories like manufacturing, construction, fashion, digital and services, will be displayed at the World Design Cities Conference (WDCC) 2023, which will be held in Shanghai, according to the event organizer Shanghai Commission of Economy and Informatization.

The event intends to promote and display excellent design achievements in Shanghai, thereby empowering industrial development and innovation and improving people's daily lives.

The works should be designed or produced in 2022.

They are encouraged to meet the requirements like empowering industry development, improving urban spaces, optimizing public services, and enriching modern lifestyle.

Designers can submit their works before March 20 online, the commission said.

Haute couture, electric cars and robot sparkled at WDCC 2022.

Having the ambition to become a global capital of design, Shanghai aims to home 10 smart factories, 100 iconic digital application scenarios and 1,000 applications integrated with shopping, service and culture by 2025, when the fashion industry's output will hit 520 billion yuan (US$80 billion).

They cover the fashion, cosmetics, fine food, sportswear, smart devices, lifestyle, industrial design and digital sectors.

Source: Shanghai Daily





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