
City News

上海被敦促减少建筑业二氧化碳排放,发展氢能行业   2023-01-16


Shanghai Is Urged to Cut CO2 Emissions in Construction, Develop Hydrogen Energy Sector

Shanghai should cut its carbon dioxide emissions in the construction industry and accelerate development of the hydrogen energy sector to meet national CO2 targets, deputies to the Shanghai People's Congress said at the ongoing Two Sessions.

Both proposals are key to achieving the twin goals of peak CO2 emissions by 2030 and carbon neutrality before 2060, which Chinese President Xi Jinping announced to a meeting of the United Nations General Assembly in September 2020, the deputies said.

The photovoltaic power generation and solar heat collection facilities of some buildings have not come into use or have seen their power efficiency decline, according to some deputies at the Shanghai People's Congress, one of the city's two most important annual political events.

When building renewable energy facilities, the city did take into consideration issues such as whether they could be connected to the power distribution system and be maintained and repaired, and whether renewable energy could be consumed, said Yang Caihong, who is also deputy director of the oil and gas exploration management department of the Shanghai Offshore Petroleum Bureau.

Shanghai should issue subsidies on a yearly basis depending on the consumption of renewable energy or conduct long-term continuous monitoring via PV digital operations, Yang suggested.

The green construction industry faces challenges from talent shortage to rising labor costs, Ye Weidong, another deputy, told Yicai Global.

Regarding Shanghai's hydrogen energy sector, core parts of hydrogen cells are highly dependable on imports, as very few hydrogen production and transportation facilities are domestically made.

So Shanghai should build a hydrogen energy technology lab to step up basic research and development of fuel cells and green hydrogen production techniques, storage, transport, and other related key technologies, Yang said, noting that the city should also give full play to the role of innovative companies to improve their performance, extend their service life, and cut costs.

The Two Sessions refers to the annual meeting of the Shanghai Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, which runs from Jan. 10 to 14 this year, and the first session of the 16th Shanghai People's Congress, the city's legislative body, whose dates are Jan. 11 to 15.

Source: Yicai





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