
City News

上海一小区内车上的血手印引出的暖心故事   2023-01-16


Blood-tainted handprints are seen on one car in Songjiang District.

Residents in Songjiang District were shocked by blood-tainted handprints on their cars after a drunken man was seen leaning on them, Songjiang police said on Monday.

The police officers rushed to the scene as soon as they received the report.

Apart from the handprints, blood was also seen on the ground near cars, the police said.

The man was found with a skull fracture and brain hemorrhage later in his home by Songjiang police officer, Zong Wei.

After investigation, the police found the man stumbled and ran into an electric bike after getting drunk. The e-bike apparently weighed on him over an hour and got him hurt.

Zong called an ambulance and sent the man to the hospital for immediate treatment.
Policeman helps to rush the man to hospital.

Source: SHINE





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