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特斯拉第四季度汽车交付量创下新高;上海工厂仍是其最大的出口枢纽   2023-01-29


Tesla Shanghai Gigafactory

Tesla hit a new high for car deliveries in the fourth quarter in 2022, exceeding 405,300 vehicles, and its Shanghai plant remains its top export hub, according to its financial results for the fourth quarter ended December 31, 2022.

According to the financial report the company sent to the Global Times on Thursday, from October to December 2022, Tesla produced more than 439,700 vehicles worldwide and delivered more than 405,300 vehicles, a new high compared with 308,600 vehicles in the same period of 2021.

Its fourth-quarter revenue and net profit both hit record highs. The earnings report showed that Tesla achieved a revenue of $24.3 billion in the fourth quarter of last year, an increase of 37 percent year-on-year. Its net profit reached $3.69 billion, up 59 percent year-on-year.

The financial report shows that the Shanghai plant remains Tesla's primary export center, supporting almost all markets except North America.

In 2022, Tesla's annual delivery volume was 1.31 million vehicles, of which the Shanghai Gigafactory delivered over 710,000 vehicles in 2022, accounting for half of its global delivery.

According to the financial report, Tesla's annual production capacity has reached 1.8 million units of Model Y/Model 3 per year, and the Shanghai plant has already exceeded 750,000 of Model 3/Model Y per year; its first plant in California has an annual capacity of 550,000 units of Model Y/Model 3.

For the full year, the auto manufacturer achieved a revenue of $81.46 billion in 2022, rising 51 percent compared with 2021, with net income totaling $12.56 billion, soaring 128 percent.

Tesla expects to deliver 1.8 million vehicles in 2023, which would be a 37 percent increase from 2022. In addition, the company said its next-generation vehicle platform is in development and the Cybertruck is expected to go into production at its Texas plant later this year.

The Shanghai plant's contribution to Tesla's car deliveries last year is a demonstration of the Chinese government's effective response to coordinate economic development and epidemic control and prevention.

Over the past three years, relevant departments have continued to pay attention to the operating conditions of foreign-funded enterprises in China, and made every effort to ensure the production and operation of foreign-funded enterprises in the country.

The China Council for the Promotion of International Trade conducted a survey of more than 160 foreign-funded enterprises and foreign business associations in China in December. The survey results showed that 98.7 percent of the foreign-funded enterprises said they would maintain and expand their investment in China, and 89.8 percent said they would maintain their industrial chain in the country.

Foreign companies surveyed generally believed that China's economy is resilient and overall has strong competitive advantages in terms of market potential, industrial system, infrastructure and business environment. 

According to the survey, 91 percent of the foreign enterprises and business associations are very supportive of China's policy to optimize epidemic prevention and control. Some 99.4 percent of the foreign firms are more confident in China's economic development prospects in 2023.

Source: Global Times





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