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陈党委书记与GE医疗首席执行官举行视频会谈   2023-02-07


Chen Jining, Party secretary of Shanghai, held a video dialogue with Peter Arduini, global president and chief executive officer of GE HealthCare, on Monday.

Chen Jining, Party secretary of Shanghai, held a video dialogue with Peter Arduini, global president and chief executive officer of GE HealthCare, a leading global medical technology and digital solutions company headquartered in Chicago, Illinois, on Monday.

"The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China portrayed a grand vision of the Chinese path to modernization. Shanghai, as a frontier land for the country's renovation and opening up, is thoroughly digesting and carrying out the keynotes of President Xi Jinping's speeches during his visit to Shanghai. The city will aspire for higher-level opening up and serve and contribute to a 'nationwide unified big market with lower logistic cost.' It will create a more market-oriented, legalized and internationalized business environment that paves the way for investment and business expansion for global multinationals," Chen said.

"Biomedicine is one of the three prioritized leading industries in Shanghai. Cooperation between Shanghai and GE HealthCare in the biomedicine sector comes within a wide range. We hope the company will make full use of China's national strategies of expanding its domestic demand and urban digitalized transformation, and allocate more of its research and innovation projects in Shanghai," he added.

Arduini introduced the blueprint of GE HealthCare and the next step in its growth strategy.

Peter Arduini, global president and chief executive officer of GE HealthCare, a leading global medical technology and digital solutions company headquartered in Chicago, Illinois

GE HealthCare set its China headquarters in Shanghai and envisions the city to be one of its manufacturing and innovation centers globally, because of its confidence in China's market potential in healthcare and Shanghai's strength in the biomedicine sector, Arduini explained.

He said the company will place more emphasis on investment and sci-tech research and innovation in the city, propel its localization strategy, promote people's health and benefit more patients in Shanghai.

Source: Shanghai Daily





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