
City News

日本动漫英雄参与献血活动   2023-02-13


Blood donors pose with ultraman.

Posing with Ultraman.

Blood donors will have the opportunity to shake hands and pose for photos with Japanese anime stars such as Ultraman and Kamen Rider this month.

Shanghai Blood Center is collaborating with Shanghai Character License Administrative Co for the blood donation campaign. Visitors will receive a blood donation certificate, stamped with Japanese anime heroes, as well as unique post cards as an expression of their appreciation for donating blood.

A woman poses with Ultraman while donating blood.

Blood donors immediately signed up for the event. On Monday, Shanghai Blood Center authorities reported a higher reservation number than usual.

Actors dressed as Ultraman and Kamen Rider will also visit blood donation sites to surprise donors. Many donors said that donating blood was a noble act, and they were pleased to see their childhood idols.

A man surnamed Xue expressed his delight at witnessing the Japanese cartoon heroes.

"It felt like a dream. It is my first donation, a gift to myself before starting work," said Xue. "Meeting these heroes has taken me completely by surprise."

Blood center officials said that they will work with additional good brands to promote blood donation.

Blood donors pose and take pictures of Japanese anime characters.

Source: Shanghai Daily





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