
City News

焚烧垃圾发电不是传说   2023-02-14


The Baoshan Renewable Energy Utilization Center, a city-level project, is expected to provide Shanghai with 800 million kilowatts-hour electricity every year, equivalent to four months of power consumption by the city's permanent population, when construction is completed in June, according to a report by

Located in Luojing Town, the center built by Shanghai Baoye Group in north Shanghai is a large-scale project to generate electricity by burning garbage.

Covering an area of 135,000 square meters, the center can burn 3,800 tons of garbage every day. It is the city's first project of harmless treatment of domestic waste since garbage classification was launched in Shanghai.

The center will become an environmentally friendly zone combining science and technology, environmental protection and ecology in the Yangtze River Delta region and will greatly ease the increasing pressure of garbage treatment in the city.

Source: Shanghai Daily





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