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中国造船商向深圳天然气公司交付世界上最大的远洋、内河液化天然气运输船   2023-02-21


Chinese Shipbuilder Delivers World's Biggest Ocean, River-Going LNG Carrier to Shenzhen Gas

Hudong-Zhonghua Shipbuilding Group said it has delivered the world's largest river-sea intermodal liquefied natural gas carrier to a Chinese gas supplier.

The Chinese shipbuilding giant handed over the Depeng Princess to Shenzhen Gas on Feb. 18, Shanghai-based Hudong-Zhonghua said on Monday.

The vessel is 239 meters long and 36.6 meters wide, with a carrying capacity of 80,000 cubic meters of LNG, making it the largest LNG carrier built for shallow water channels, the firm said. It can even navigate the Yangtze and Pearl rivers during the dry season, it added.

The fourth-generation LNG vessel is the first ordered by Shenzhen Gas, which mainly serves Guangdong province and the South China market, Hudong-Zhonghua noted.

Dapeng Princess is the first LNG carrier Hudong-Zhonghua has delivered so far this year, with plans to supply four to five more in 2023, the shipbuilder said. Thanks to strong global demand, it has received orders for nearly 50 LNG carriers of different sizes, with construction scheduled until 2028, according to the company.

Source: Yicai





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