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上海市欧美同学会Benelux分支与卢森堡商会签署合作备忘录   2023-05-28


The China-Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce and the Benelux Branch of Shanghai Overseas Returned Scholars Association will join together to enhance cultural and business ties between China and Luxembourg.

The China-Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce and the Benelux Branch of the Shanghai Overseas Returned Scholars Association (SORSA) signed a memorandum of understanding on Thursday to enhance cultural and business ties between China and Luxembourg.

The China-Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce is a private, non-profit organization supporting bilateral trade and cultural ties between China and Luxembourg. Initiated by 20 founder members active in the China-Luxembourg business community, it was founded in Luxembourg on May 31, 2013.

The Benelux Branch of SORSA is an organization established in 2018 by scholars who had studied and worked in Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg. It plays a role as a bridge to promote people-to-people exchanges and ties between China and the Benelux in economic, trade and cultural practices.

In the MOU, the two parties agreed to promote people-to-people exchanges; build a stronger cultural bridge; explore the development space and opportunities of bilateral finance, trade, and technology; and actively promote sustainable development in both countries.

"We are looking forward to deep cooperation in a broad range of areas, such as finance, trade, high-tech, education, culture, education, and tourism, and confident in a bright future in a long-lasting friendship between China and Luxembourg," said Liu Qing, president of the Benelux Branch of SORSA.

Xie Zhujun (front left), president of the China-Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce, and Liu Qing (front right), president of the Benelux Branch of SORSA, sign the MOU.

Source: Shanghai Daily





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