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上海企业赢得2022百分之六十的科学技术奖项   2023-05-29


Corporates Win 60% of Shanghai's 2022 Science and Tech Awards

Shanghai has distributed the latest science and technology awards and most of them went to corporate projects.

Companies were involved in 182 of the 303 awarded projects, or 60 percent, according to the results of the 2022 Shanghai Science and Technology Awards which were published today. The rest went to research institutes, universities, and individuals. Projects that feature state-owned enterprises made up more than half of all contest participants.

The winning achievements emphasize basic research, focusing on fields such as life sciences and health, digital intelligence, high-end equipment, and green development. The shares of prizes that went to the two fields of natural science as well as technology and inventions are rising as the first category got almost 19 percent of all awards and the latter one scored nearly 16 percent of the total.

The jury got more specialized this time as the review work for the three leading sectors of biopharmaceuticals, integrated circuits and artificial intelligence got spun off to independent teams. Some 30 projects in these three sectors won with nearly equal distribution, an executive in charge of the Center for Shanghai S&T Awards said to Yicai Global.

Source: Yicai





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