
City News

上海临港区计划2025年将区域内云计算算力达到总值100亿元   2023-06-05


Shanghai’s Lingang New Area, which is home to a slew of technology firms, is supporting its computing power industry, which covers the manufacturing of fiber optic cables, cloud software, and data centers, to exceed CNY10 billion (USD1.4 billion) in value by 2025.

The total computing capacity of Lingang is to surpass five exaflops, a measure of performance for a supercomputer, and four-fifths of that will be about artificial intelligence, the local government announced in a development scheme released today. The current figure is three exaflops, or almost 20 percent of Shanghai's total.

Moreover, the area will finish building a related public services platform while setting standards and unleashing more computing power within the region. It aims to construct an industry cluster that is influential nationwide and to construct a group of application scenarios for demonstration. Currently, the computing industry in Lingang already covers software and hardware, midstream data centers, as well as downstream applications.

Source: Yicai





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