
City News

西藏唐卡复制品首次上海展出   2023-06-14


A collection of duplicates of ancient thangka are currently on show at the Shanghai History Museum and Shanghai Xuhui Art Museum. 

A collection of precious duplicates of ancient thangka and contemporary artworks from Tibet's Sakya, some of which are being exhibited to the public for the first time, are currently on show at the Shanghai History Museum and Shanghai Xuhui Art Museum.

"Tibetan culture is an important part of traditional Chinese culture and thangka is one of the most representative art forms of Tibet," said Zhou Qunhua, director of the Shanghai History Museum, at the opening ceremony of the exhibition on Saturday.

Tibetan thangka is a traditional painting done on cotton, silk or paper and usually themed on Tibetan religion, history, politics, culture and life. The materials used by thangka artists include treasured metals such as gold, natural mineral pigments as well as some plant colors.

A collection of duplicates of ancient thangka are currently on show at the Shanghai History Museum and Shanghai Xuhui Art Museum. 

Today, the art form, which was listed as a national intangible cultural heritage in 2006, have developed well in the Tibet autonomous region, Qinghai, Sichuan, Yunnan and Gansu provinces.

Among the exhibits is a collection of 17 duplicates of treasured ancient thangkas called "Biography of Phagpa", a Tibetan Buddhist leader who became the imperial preceptor.

This is the first time the collection has been showcased to the public. The works were duplicated using high-resolution printing technology, according to Zhang Junyan, a curator of the exhibition.

Source: China Daily





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