

普陀想让外国人当一天上海人   2024-05-23


The first batch of foreign tourists invited to experience the "Be Shanghainese for a Day" program.

Putuo District has introduced a program allowing foreigners to experience local life for a day at the Caoyang Community, one of China's first workers' communities known for its traditional living style.

The program, launched as part of the China Tourism Day, aims to offer a unique cultural experience tailored for international visitors.

"Be Shanghainese for a Day" is a collaborative effort between Putuo Culture and Tourism Bureau and Caoyang Community Subdistrict.

It integrates local cultural and tourism resources and highlights the unique cultural environment of the Caoyang Community, which was built in 1950s to home the city's rising number of working class.

The program includes activities such as cooking Chinese dishes, practicing martial arts, exploring the renovated Caoyang No.1 Village, and strolling in the community.

Local families have been selected to serve foreign tourists as part of the program.

The program is an upgrade of an existing foreign tourism project in Caoyang which has welcomed over 400,000 visitors from more than 150 countries and regions since its inception in the early 1990s.

"We hope every visitor leaves with unforgettable memories of their experience," said Wang Jue, deputy director of Putuo.

Many foreign tourists participated in activities that gave them a deep understanding of local life in Shanghai. They visited a special cultural and tourism market at the park, featuring UN-listed intangible cultural heritage items such as lacquer fans and bamboo weaving.

"The tour in Shanghai was enlightening. We learned about Caoyang's history, tasted unique Shanghai cuisine, and experienced cultural activities like tai chi," said Ezzinaoui Elmehdi from Morocco.

"My dream of attending a dumpling-making class in Shanghai came true. Singing 'Katyusha' with the orchestra was unforgettable, showcasing the strong bond between China and Russia," said Elena Bugush from Russia.

Putuo plans to launch nighttime cruise tours along Suzhou Creek to enhance foreigners' experiences.

Source: Shanghai Daily





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