

关于老年人群体的纪录片前浪将上映   2024-06-11


The crew of the documentary series at the premiere at UME International Cineplex on Friday.

Documentary series “When You Are Old,” which focuses on the lives and emotions of China's elderly people, airs at 10pm on June 11 on multiple TV and streaming platforms including Dragon TV, Tencent and BesTV.

A crew from Shanghai Media Group’s Documentary Center followed and interviewed 20 or so elderly people for around a year. Their cameras recorded their emotional world and the loves and pains they had encountered.

The series comes at a time when Shanghai is actively exploring ways to cope with an aging population.

The documentary records the emotional world of China's elderly people.

The series also records elderly people's never-ending pursuit of dreams.

With vivid real-life stories, the documentary series aims to change the stereotypical impression of the elderly and introduce younger audiences to their colorful lives and inner worlds.

It records their stories of dating and romance, their never-ending pursuit of dreams and their relationships with children and friends.

From multiple perspectives, the series not only reflects the loneliness of the elderly, but also discovers the light and passion that ignites their lives.

The series premiered at the UME International Cineplex on Friday.

A poster advertising the series

Source: Shanghai Daily





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