
City News

150 多家国际企业报名参加第七届中国国际进口博览会   2024-07-25


More than 150 international businesses have signed up to attend the China International Import Expo (CIIE) in Shanghai for a seventh time, having attended all previous CIIEs, organizers said on Wednesday.

To date, the total contracted exhibition area has exceeded 360,000 square meters, Sun Chenghai, deputy director of the CIIE Bureau, said at a news briefing.

He noted that this year will include a special new materials zone for the first time, aiming to create an international exchange platform for the promotion of innovation and development in the new materials industry.

To showcase key elements of future travel, this year's automotive zone will include exhibitors in areas such as autonomous driving, the low-altitude economy and new types of energy storage for vehicles, Sun said.

More than 50 countries and international organizations have confirmed their participation in the 2024 CIIE's national comprehensive exhibition, including Norway, Benin, Burundi and UNICEF, which will be participating for the first time, he noted.

The seventh CIIE will be held in Shanghai from Nov. 5 to Nov. 10.

Source: Xinhua





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